Shelter & Vernacular Natural disasters worldwide, climate change and armed conflicts make the term "shelter" increasingly relevant. According to UN estimates, 65 million refugees currentliy need shelter. At the same time, the world's population is growing dramatically - to an estimated 15 billion people by the beginning of the next century. Creating sustainable, affordable and appropriate housing is therefore one of the greatest international challenges of our time. Can traditional construction methods, which are being pushed back worldwide, provide inspiration for this? Or the spontaneous and creative solutions that the houses and huts of so-called slums often show? In any case, both approaches are usually characterised by a resource-conserving use of existing, often natural materials and sophisticated recycling methods. Markus Heinsdorff and Christian Schittich have been dealing with both themes - shelter and vernacular - on their journeys to the most diverse cultures with the help of photography for decades. By means of various categories, mainly structured in relation to the building materials used, they shed light on the themes of "simple building" from two different, complementary perspectives - that of the artist and that of the architect. In the exhibitions at TUM and BYAK each author showed 80 photographies and texts on various topics. The topics of Markus Heinsdorff were: bamboo, grass, clay, stone, seating, water and sheet metal.